Sunday, April 5, 2020



Object Of The Act :

To provide for better protection of the interest of consumer and for that to make provisions for the establishment of consumer council's and other Authorities for the settlement of consumers Disputes and for matter Connected there with.

Central & State consumer protection council's have been constituted to protect and promote the above object.Services provided by the E.S.I. and P.F. Department have been brought Under the preview Of the consumer protection Act,1986.

There is no prescribed form for complaint. The consumer has to make a mere application to the consumer Dispute Readdress forum dealing the grievances.

Thanks address Of consumers Disputes Readdress forums for the state of Maharashtra , Goa and Gujarat are as under:

1. National Commission 
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ,
5 th Floor , Janapath Bhavan ,
New Delhi. 



The President , Maharashtra State Consumer Disputes,Redressal Commission . Administrative College, Room Nos.

1 and 2 Hazarimal Somani Marg , oppo. 
V. T. Station , Mumbai- 400001.

Salient Features-:

The striking highlights of Consumer Protection Act (CPA), 1986 are as per the following

It applies to all products, administrations and out of line exchange rehearses except if explicitly absolved by the Central Government.

It covers all segments private, open or co-usable.

It accommodates foundation of purchaser assurance gatherings at the focal, state and area levels to advance and secure the privileges of buyers and a three-level semi legal hardware to manage customer's complaints and debates.

It gives a statutory acknowledgment to the six privileges of customers.

In this manner the Act accommodates setting up the accompanying buyer redressal organizations:


1. Area Consumer Forum in each locale of a state set up by the State Government.

2. State Consumer Commission in each state set up by each State.

3. National Consumer Commission set up by the Central Government.

This request might be any of the accompanying sorts:

1. To expel the deformity whenever saw as valid by the proper research center from the positive qualities being referred to;

2. To supplant the imperfect merchandise with the new products of a similar sort liberated from the deformities;

3. To come back to the complainant cost of the blemished great or charges paid by him;

4. To pay the remuneration to the complainant as might be chosen by the redress organization for the misfortune endured by him;

5. To expel the imperfections or insufficiency in the administration rendered to the people;

6. To stop the out of line or prohibitive exchange practice or give undertaking not to rehash in future;

7. Not to supply unsafe products;

8. To pull back the unsafe products being offered available to be purchased; and

9. To give satisfactory expenses to the gatherings being referred to.


 The Consumer Commissions are approved to force punishments on broker or individual against whom protest is made on the off chance that he neglects to follow the request for the redressal office. The punishment or discipline may include detainment for a period not over 3 years or a fine of not in excess of 10 thousand rupees or both.


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